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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is Society Fading Further into Indulgence?

I keep starting a blog and then realizing I have nothing to say. I have zero points to express.

I did write three new pieces of poetry yesterday. I have not posted them anywhere but Facebook. My poetry blog has all of three followers and only 1 comments semi-regularly. Which is cool, because I write my poetry for myself... mostly... but I like if I know what I write means something to someone... you know? Maybe just post 'em here :)

Recently my friends and I were talking about *the* Twitter being the bane of society.

"I have a headache."

"I am hungry."

"I just devoured a cheese burger. And now my stomach hurts."

"I am home all alone. My doors are unlocked."

"Will you please stalk me?"

Do we really feel like we need to update every last mini-detail of our life? Is that what we are doing now? Are all of us just waiting/wanting to be stalked, just so we feel we are making pieces of our life matter?

And how are the children growing up in the facebook & twitter age going to be as teens and adults. Will we have conversations, or will we all sound like continuations of "updating our status"?

Will the children we are raising be able to make complete sentences on their high school and college papers, or will they be using "ur" "l8er" "u" "lol" ":)" "luv" "K"? It really worries me. Are we actually getting smarter or just self-indulgent and lazy? I still use full length words in texts. Unless it's just over 2 texts and I want it to be one. Then I go back and try to do as little shorthand as possible.

But certainly there is always changes to language. I mean Shakespeare would wonder what the hell we are saying! Or Chaucer, well he might get it, because they just wrote how they "felt" things should be written. Hooked on Phonics style.

Thoughts? Am I crazy? Am I over-reacting?

I just love real conversations. Talking about things that MEAN something. Granted, my last post was about me getting drunker than drunk. Certainly not my best moment.

And truth is... I am minorly guilty of the very thing I complain about. I certainly update my facebook. I certainly blog on occasion, hoping someone reads it. Hoping someone takes interest in my mediocre life! lol*

Just A Little Talking...

I think Twitter and Buzz (birds and bees) should have babies. They can be called Tweetzz or better yet, Twitzz.

And there are my thoughts... Not as good as Football Players being gay, but eh, that's hard to top! ;)


  1. I think that every generation manages their own "language". But thanks to being in the high tech age we live in, this language is going to hang around a little bit more than say groovy and far out....

    We are definitely lazy nowadays. Just so you know I think that all of us that read blogs or have facebook, or (ugh) twitter are guilty of a little self indulgence... lol..

  2. Your words - "Do we really feel like we need to update every last mini-detail of our life? Is that what we are doing now? Are all of us just waiting/wanting to be stalked, just so we feel we are making pieces of our life matter?"

    I HATE THIS. And yes I am going rant the hell out of this next week. WTF...I am so pissed.

    You are going to love what I have to say about it next week and thank you for bringing it up here as well

  3. LoL* Thanks guys.

    You're right Bendigo! I just wish our youth was progressing and not digressing. Know a 19-yr-old boy who graduated high school and could not write a complete sentence. :( He entered college and couldn't write a college paper without his cousin's help.

    Granted he's an exception, because the school he went to was 50% graduate and 50% drop out. So he didn't have the experience he needed.

    Ian, I am ready! lol* It's just something I think is funny. We do live in the reality show age.

    I just don't want language and communication lost in technology. Sitting face-to-face with some drinking coffee or tea and talking about *real* things are always more appealing than lengthy text talk. And I am a texting fiend! :-P

  4. Hi Ashley, I'm following you back! I could talk all day on some of your posts. Will try to read more, when I get a chance.

  5. Thanks for the follow! I really appreciate it. Hope to hear more from ya soon! :)

  6. Oh, Ashley, I am not a follower that just follows, to be following. I read EVERYONE I follow and will definitely leave comments. If the day ever comes, that I don't read who I follow, please, just shoot me.

  7. I just joined Twitter and I don't get it. What am I supposed to say and who cares?

    I also text in complete sentences and I make my daughter do the same. I tell her it is good spelling practice or I will take away her phone!

  8. @Ms. Anthropy ~ I wish I could say I am as good about replying to posts! I do try, certainly... but I am certainly not as good I once was.

    @The Girl Next Door ~ Yeah, I have a Twitter too. Added it b/c someone kept telling me to. I maybe updated it all of 10 times. I don't like being trapped in only being able to write one sentence. I don't get it at all either.

  9. I usually update am, maybe pm if I get a chance. I do have friends and they update via IPhone constantly. I mean seriously, you have this much free time? And no, I do not care if you are in line at Target or bored, or whatever mundane status you feel you must post every 30 minutes. I also only use FB mainly bc I have found a lot of childhood and school chums on there

  10. I love facebook! I don't mind the updating, as long as it doesn't become the only way of communication, y'know? A way of life without the connection of "real" life. :)

  11. I'm boycotting Twitter (who wants to be a 'Twit'? lol), but I'm guilty of some one liners on Facebook. I hate myself for it because I feel like I'm a part of the dumbing down of society... I also use acronyms way too often, but then again it's part of NASA culture -- we have acronyms for EVERYTHING!
