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Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Best Things in Life Are Free...

...meaning? Things you pay for just get broken. Or stop being fun. But friendship, that shit should be forever. :)

I love when a man can make me laugh and giggle. But even better when we can have a "real" conversation. Best when you can combine these two and there's a perfect mixture. Like chips and salsa, red wine and pizza, socks and shoes.

NOT socks and flip-flops or sandles. That's ALWAYS a no-no.

I am going through a Lauren withdrawl. I have decided. She's in Galveston with the family for Spring Break. Kinda jealous! Especially if the weather was better. OMG. This summer is going to be a pain with her in Montgomery. There will be plenty of driving and visiting to be had.

I am thinking of writing my friend Zafer. Since Margarita Night (a night had begun to blog about, but didn't finish and it went bad so just couldn't get all out here. After my drunk travesty night and Zafer taking care of me. He chose beforehand to have one of his own. And it turned into a fest of revenge drinking. He, who does not drink, got smashed and acted like a complete ass. We went as far as to make him leave. And that made him very angry, and partly he had reason to. But by God it was 6 a.m.!

Anyway, it was a horrible night, and I haven't spoken to him since.

But now I am better and less mad at him. Him getting drunk and pushing me (physically) away was the main ordeal I could not handle. I can be friends with him again, but I have to spend less time around him. So after nearly 3 weeks to a month of no Z I am ready to make amends. He's in New Orleans now for Spring Break, so I think it's perfect timing. He can come home to a well thought out note of me asking him to be friends again, and be his little sister again. :)

Now if I could only get over the sickness!!!!!!!!!! That's the real plan. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of second (and third and fourth) chances. I've needed them myself from time to time. But once you push the drama away, don't let it come back in. I have no idea which category Z fits into.
