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Friday, October 2, 2009

Are You Worth It?

So this year I picked up the role of "Single" again. It's been weird being thrust into this world after my 5+ year absence. It's all new. I'm older now, hopefully wiser, but dating was never something I was good at or enjoyed. And now here I am trying to keep my head above water... and just learn to be me... whoever that is. :)

How do you people do it? Any advice for a newly single gal in a world where men either want to fall in love in 5 minutes or fall asleep next to you after a sex session on the first night? lol* Or sometimes they even want both.

I'm kinda excited about new life. I just need to find a way to stop attracting Momma's boys and Assh*les... I met a woman recently that said she has a gravitational pull to control freaks. I think I have that problem with the aforementioned men.

But I won't give up! I will be out there, but maybe just for fun for awhile... until something worth wild comes around.

My new feelings in life is only date someone who is worth a broken heart.

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