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Friday, September 25, 2009

Online Dating: Fatal to the Ego

It's all the craze now. Online dating... meeting people at the convenience of your couch in your pajamas. And all you need to add are a few minor details of your life and get your compatibility results in a matter of minutes. But how do you know what you are actually getting into? You don't simply, it's hit and miss, and as humans we very easily mold who we are to fit what "they" want.

Unfortunately, there are the people out there who are nothing but pretenders. They show you a side that makes you believe they are kind, wonderful understanding... but it's all a facade and in truth they are self-obsessed jerks waiting for a nice person to come along fill their ego meter up and then explode it and all its gross bitterness all over you. Hopefully, you aren't in public when the explosion happens.

It's amazing how these people operate, smooth talking. But I always wonder why we don't see it coming. When they endlessly just talk about themselves and have you tell them how great they are. Watch out when they ask you to rate them 1-100. Don't say 85, it rubs them the wrong way. Try 69, maybe that's more up their alley.

Potential daters shouldn't need their ego stroked and petted like a newborn pup... at least not when they are only looking for conformation. Steer clear ladies and gents! These players are not looking for anything more than someone to pooey on. Maybe their bored, perhaps lonely, maybe they feel bad about themselves, are maybe they just get off on it. Either way, it is not your duty and certainly not your privilege to have to deal with their issues. Run away! Let them find someone else to dump on. You will never get the satisfaction from them, rather they will only go to hurt your own ego. Or at the very least rattle your last nerve with their stupidity.

Now, let me turn this around a little. There are plenty of happy love stories with online dating. It isn't the worst thing in the world. There are genuine people out there truly looking for a budding romance. But just be aware of the tell-tale signs. Protect your heart and your head from needless headaches by seeing through the lines and stupidity.

Don't, above all things, try to reason with them! They are children trapped in adult bodies and think that since they are "adults" they are right. You can't make sense to an unreasonable person, and someone with an inflated ego has no potential to grow and learn and develop. By 24 you are what you are. Your brain is done developing, so you get what you get.

Don't be detered from online dating though, my friends! Just be smart about it. Don't fall for lines and when someone starts showing their true colors just "walk" away. You don't need their baggage!

Good luck!

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